Friday, May 30, 2008

Why I started this...

I’ve decided to start this blog because there are soo many people who are completely clueless, misinformed, uninterested, uneducated, etc. regarding the 2008 Presidential candidates. I’m a regular ole working mom…. I do not have a degree in politics or law (or in anything, for that matter), I am not a member of any office, I am not a celebrity…. I’m just your typical American. I’m very anti-biased bullcrap…. Regardless of candidate, party, or who said it. One thing I CANNOT stand is when someone says something and the media twists and turns it into something completely different. This blog will be the FACTS. I want to compile factual information that interests regular folks like myself. The mass media makes everything gloom and doom, and it's all very biased. When was the last time you saw something positive about the War on your local news?

If you receive an email about a candidate, feel free to forward it to me and I’ll investigate it and post clarification AKA THE FACTS. My email is

Important note: Although I am on the fence between Republican and Libertarian, I’m going to try my very best to NOT be biased. This is just the facts.

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