Monday, June 2, 2008

Here’s the thing about ‘Bills’

There’s always talk about how soinso voted against suchinsuch bill. This post is inspired by a post/email titled “10 Things to know about McCain” on a website that is dubbed (by myself, Hannity, Boortz, etc) as one of the most idiotic flaming liberal pieces of crap on the internet. This site (which shall remain unnamed because they aren’t worth the two clicks they’d get from my blog readers… if you have no idea, just do a little googling)… has always posted all kinds of REALLY REALLY biased bull. And I HATE one-sidedness. Tell it all or keep your mouth shut.

Now…. Here’s the thing about “Bills”…

There are many many many reasons why one might vote against a bill. McCain was bashed on “unnamed website” for voting against a childrens healthcare bill. Why oh why would mean ole McCain do such a horrible thing to the poor kids of our country?!?!? Hmm…. What else may have been on said bill? I don’t want to get into the details of this bill in particular (because this kind of griping goes on no matter what the bill may be, and I don’t have the time to look into the details of every single vetoed bill. Bills are not just simple one-line things. It’s complicated. Lets take House Bill 7 for example (because it’s one that I’ve become rather familiar with thanks to my J-O-B. It reforms workers comp laws in the state of Texas. It doesn’t just say a few things, it covers a LOT of ground. Now lets pretend that House Bill 7 says that $xbillion dollars is needed to do blah blah blah…. If McCain (or whoever) thinks that amount is excessive, unnecessary, etc. He can suggest a line item veto…. But if no one else thinks that amount is excessive then it won’t happen… so what is McCain left with no choice but to do? Vote against that bill.

Or he could have voted against that bill for the simple fact that he thinks parents need to start taking better care of there kids. It’s not incredibly hard to get state funded healthcare for children where I live. I think for a single person with ONE CHILD, the income limit is like $25K. If you’re making $25K you should be able to afford Kaiser Permanente private plans for your kids. People depend on the government enough as it is, the last thing we need is MORE people on Medicaid, Peach care, etc.

So…. Next time you here someone jabbing about how soinso voted against the “Feed the starving children in Africa” bill, ask yourself (or google) “Why did he vote like that? What else was in that bill that turned him away from it? Do we really need to be spending millions or billions on feeding people in another country when we have people starving in our own country?” Don’t listen to the bologna scare-tactic blabbermouths. USE YOUR HEAD!!!

In further research…. This website says McCain did not even vote on this bill, Aye or Nay. The president stated that he vetoed this bill because it would not be providing healthcare for more poor children, but providing healthcare for higher income families who can pay for there own.

The government is not our Mommy or Daddy… it is not here to support us or make sure we have money if we get ourselves into a big pile of crap.

1 comment:

Misc. Muse said...

Not only looking at things you say about the bills BUT is the bill a Christmas Tree bill? Does it have a lot of attachments--- What are those attachments. What was your source of what you heard? You need not believe everything you hear.