Monday, June 2, 2008

Roe V. Wade

Everyone has something smart to say regarding any candidates stance on pro life/pro choice. You’re damned if you do, you’re damned if you don’t. If you’re pro choice, you get all of the conservatives saying “YOU THINK IT’S OKAY TO KILL BABIES?!?!?” If you’re pro life, you get the libs saying things like “THIS IS MY BODY, YOU THINK YOU CAN TAKE AWAY MY RIGHTS?!” Whatev.

Point being, regardless of who is president and what there POV may be on the subject… it would take an act of God himself to overturn Roe V. Wade, so get over it. Move on. Worry about something else. Don’t base your presidential vote on whether someone thinks it’s okay to abort or not. No matter what there opinion may be, they’ll never get it to pass. The President alone does not run our country.

Random Thought: Global Warming. When is this conspiracy going to be over? I’m all for going green, saving energy, wasting less, etc. but to seriously think that carbon dioxide is causing global warming is such a joke. We EXHALE carbon dioxide all day every day. Global warming is a natural occurrence with MAYBE a teeny tiny smidgen of human influence. It has been happening for ages... since the beginning of time. If you’re interested on the truth about Global Warming, let me know. But that’s enough for now… global warming would be an entire blog entry and this blog is supposed to be about the election.

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